Vance Junior Steverson, age 55, of Picayune passed away Monday, December 5, 2011 at Forrest General Hospital.
A Memorial Service will be held at a later date.
He is survived by his mother, Iva Jewel Hardy; One Son, James Michael Steverson; Step-Daughter, Mysti Lee; Two Brothers, Eddie Ingram and Henry DeBoxtel; Two Sisters, Alice Lannes and Rose Doyle.
He is preceded in death by his father, Paul Eason.
His memories are many; his legacy is deep and wide. The people that meant the world to him would get his world in return.
Vance was a good man. We thank the Lord above for the graciousness of him being a part of our life and us being a large part of his life. We've traveled these roads of the United States and look forward to traveling through the roads of Paradise together. Until then.